Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Ah home.... first things first, my Mom must download me with all the new family gossip. My family can be a bit crazy at times, but I have realized that I would be nowhere without them. My Dad's family has shown me exactly what not to do. They have shown me why I want the gospel in my life and how much it affects life and families. I think deep down they know it's important but they have chosen different lifestyles. I can only hope that I can be an example for them and my cousins; I hope that I can show them how much the gospel can bless them and how amazing it truly is. For my Mom's family. They have shown me that love lasts through the good and the bad times. They have made me realize how I need to be there for others, to support them and love them no matter what decisions they have made. My grandparents who have served missions and shown me how great and hard missions are; yet how important they are. My aunt and her family who got sealed in the Temple. Families are forever. My parents who have always encouraged me to pray and receive answers for myself, who taught me the importance of serving others, fulfilling all types of callings, and loving everyone. My sister who has always been the perfect example to me. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't learned from their examples and sometimes from their mistakes.

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